The beginnings of the DogsWays












Sheila Harper, Winkie Spiers and how it all has begun.

Few years back, to solve some of my dogs’ issues I decided to reach for the professional help. Not because I was desperate and helpless, more out of curiosity.


We started to learn with the positive trainer and this lady seemed so controversial in her theories to me at the beginning that I needed some time after every session to digest, what she says and preaches. Not because I didn’t believe her or I didn’t like her way of working. It was just completely new approach for me. But so helpful as well!


Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mean that I was using non-positive (aversive) techniques before. But I thought I need to be in charge (for the safety and well being of my dogs) all the time and everywhere. Which means that our walks were filled with commands and expectations. I didn’t understand what a meaningful walk is and thought that more the dog runs (by chasing the ball or playing with other dogs) the better. I was wrong. So I started a new journey to re-evaluate my way of looking and the canine needs and canine behaviours. To get more insign into the subject, I participated in Sheila’s Harper 2 days seminar ‘Reactivity in Dogs’ in September 2014. And I have been bitten by the holistic and positive approach to the dog behavioural problems bug.


After this first dog-related seminar (I don’t count my visit at the Cesar Milan live show once in Amsterdam – yes, I was amazed by him years ago, this has also changed) I just knew I want to deepen my knowledge and put my dreams of working with dogs, into action.


I was very lucky, in the Group I’ve founded – Expats with Dogs in Amsterdam, a dog trainer was looking for the assistant! Wow! I remember being over the moon while reading the advert and I was so hoping it could work out for me. And it did! In the late October we met, discussed our expectations and shortly after, I’d joined her training school.

This experience gave me the opportunity to observe dogs (and owners) attending and to deepen my understanding of canine behaviour and communication. And to be honest, after first few sessions when the initial excitement was over, I didn’t like what I saw. Dogs were stressed, giving the handlers clear signals about it. But these signals need to be read and in order to do so, need to be understood as well. Unfortunately the training methods presented, didn’t really include explanation of any of these. It was ‘sit, down, up, heel’ style of training and I decided I don’t want to be the part of it and I want to focus on spreading the message of building up the positive relationship with your dog. Before our ways with this training school separated I managed to talk to some owners and tell them how to make it more pleasant for the dog. I also had few private one-to-one sessions when the dog owner had a specific issue (pulling on the leash, lack of recall, jumping on people, chasing the bikes etc ) and I really really enjoyed that ones! Mostly because I could apply my experience, knowledge and look at the given dog as an individual, trying to find the suitable solution (so no ‘one size fits all’ schema anymore). And seeing it worked was the best reward ever.

So I was searching for the ways of ‘knowing it all’ and I found Turid Rugaas who totally changed my life. Before I got to know her personally and learn from her, I went to Belgium in February this year, to listen to a very interesting seminar by Winkie Spiers ‘Stress in dogs’. Another eye opener!

  • Next was Turid Rugaas with the 2 day seminar in Edinburgh ‘Learning to cope with life’
  • Understanding Your Dog and Communicating Effectively/Calming Signals

I have to say, my jaw dropped when I was listening to her and I understood why she has became and “icon” and “guru” for so many! I heard so many great things about her teachings before and I was dreading the meeting, afraid I might get disappointed. No, I didn’t! After the first day I couldn’t way to the second one, which has never ever happened in all my learning/studying history (and there was a lot of it). I could listen to Turid forever and was fortunate enough to catch up with her the day after seminar at the airport and to have a very pleasant and interesting conversation about dogs, behavioural issue and trends in dogs’ training.

It happened that a week later she was holding a seminar in Belgium so I was of course, going there as well. This seminar was also divided into 2 days and first day it was Amber Batson, a holistic vet and positive behaviorist giving a speech. I was swallowing her every word and things that she was saying also made a huge impression on me. The second day Turid took over and she wrapped up, more or less, what I have already heard in Edinburgh. But it wasn’t a waste of time, I was extremely happy to hear it again. It so much new information, that I would like to listen to her everyday.

So why am I so enthusiastic about all of the above seminars and workshops? Because I applied all the knowledge I gained with my dogs and it made a tremendous change in the relation with my own dogs. I have now 2 extremely relaxed dogs at home. Dogs, who trust me and whom I trust. Dogs, who run to me, when they get scared, instead of running away. Dogs, who are not barking when left alone. Both of my dogs, German Shepherd and Belgian Shepherd were rescued when they were, respectively 4/5 yrs old and 2/3 yrs old. And they came with a lot of luggage filled with issues and behavioral problems. We tried to fix these problems in so many ways, but it seemed like whenever one issue was fixed, the new one appeared, like a never-ending battle. Now I understand why it was like that, what have we done wrong and how could we fix it. So we fixed it.

I have to admit that all of the above seminars were very emotional. Once I’ve been listening to everything I have done wrong (and you did it in the best will, believing that’s the right way) and how it should have been done instead, my tears were tearing up. But that’s good, that’s a process and it means, you really feel it and are able to apply it! All the puzzles were in one piece again and having the amazing change within my lovely dogs was so amazing I wish I could help out everyone out there, who feels lost and needs some redirection in the approach to his/her best four legged friend.

So that’s why I decided to quit my current, corporate job and got serious about becoming the dog behaviorist. DogsWays are going to become the new dog behavioral consultancy institution where I’m going to share my experience.

Having that said, I’m currently attending the annual conference of Pet Dog Trainers in Europe (PDTE) in Germany, where the dogs’s friends from all over the world meet. There are some very experienced dogs trainers among us and some others, who are here, just because of the love of dog. But we share common passion – the well being of the beloved by us, dogs.

Atmosphere is amazing, I could never imagine that people, who share same profession and are, well, in the business world definition – competitors, could be so open, helpful and supportive towards each other.