Shedding – there is help!

Shedding – there is help!

So that’s the time of the year one could say. For others (like us) this time of the year is all year round.  What am I talking about? Moulting of course!

Normally, in nature dogs moult 2x a year.  That happens in the late summer/early autumn and late spring. Then nothing for next 6 months. Unfortunately our domesticated dogs who live in the air-conditioned and heated apartments lost the ability of their ancestors to adjust the need of shedding to the weather and time of the year. That’s why most of the dog owners would confirm that moulting happens on the daily basis.

Having 2 big dogs with the mid-length coat we were busy brushing them on the daily basis. We invested in all kind of the supporting supplements, oils and food. Hovering 2x a day was the only way to keep the apartment in the state when we were not embarrassed to have visitors. But, when working full time and dividing time between job and making sure your dogs are still well taken care of and happy, who still has time or energy to hover twice a day? So we were getting more and more desperate.

Great help turned to be self-hovering robot – Roomba. It was doing the job when we were away but still it wasn’t the perfect solution. Dogs were still shedding in the incredible amount!

Big help - self-hovering robot
Big help – self-hovering robot


What even worse, while brushing them with the regular dog-brush special to their coat, we couldn’t see that they are loosing so much hair. Usually after a while there was nothing more coming out and we felt like we did a good job.


Regular brush we were using
Regular brush we were using

So after trying all (in our opinion back then) options, we finally came across brush called Furminator. We didn’t count for much. We didn’t expect anything new. In the end we believed that we tried it all and the new gadget is just a waste of money. But as much as we were tired of it, we decided to give it a go.

How huge our surprise was when during the first brushing our dogs lost so much old hair that it looked like we were shaving sheeps that anything else. We watched the Furminator commercials before and thought that what they show is a big exaggeration. Well, it wasn’t.

After just few moves
After just few moves

Only then we realized why there are still so much hair in our apartment. Why coudnt we pet our doggies without having the feast full of their hair immediately. Dogs hair are made of layers. When the regular brush would most of the times reach the first of them (cuticle), sometimes the second (cortex), the problem lays in the third one (medulla), which is not easily reachable and dogs hair, old ones, basically gather over there before dogs loose them (you can see it for example, when they scratch).

We don’t intend to advertise it for any commercial purpose. But Furminator simply made a really big change in our lives.. That’s why we are recommending it to anyone who has similar problem.

However, we tried it also on my parents’ dogs – Doberman and Staffordshire terrier. It didn’t have any effect on their coat. So we recommend you discuss this option thoroughly with your vet or with the store stuff before buying.