Our first dog and how that happened

Our first dog and how that happened

We have been a couple for more than 2 years when we decided it’s time to see and experience the world out there. Our first destination was England. As much as we liked it there and made many new friends, one thing was undoubtable – it was not very dog-friendly place, specially for an expat. Yes, there are many parks in the UK. yes there are many green areas as well. However in most of them dogs are simply not welcome or allowed on leash only.

In the off-leash places we had been told and also had seen ourselves that often horryfing scenes take place. One day while walking close to such facility we saw a man approaching with the pitbull. His dog was clearly over-excited an in my opinion looking for the troubles. It seemed like the owner knew it as well and was actually proud of it. As soon as he let him run, he attacked one of the dogs who was also there. It was outrages, the owner of the attacked dog tried everything while the pitbull owner just stood and I am sure – enjoyed himself. Another time, a friend of mine told me a story he experienced. While letting his dog off leash, another dog approached him and attacked. While he was trying to separate the dogs, owner of the attacking dog came to help by … hitting the dog of my friend with the bike helmet in the head! In the end my friend ended up fighting with the other owner who made more damage to the poor dog than the attacking dog….

Plus, when you’re an expat and like to travel or visit your family and friends back home in the continental Europe, it is almost impossible to travel with your dog. First of all you’re most likely to go by plane. Many airlines allow dogs on board but there are strict restriction as to the size and weight, mostly not exceeding 8kg. Even if you overcome way of travel issues there is still quarantaine needed.

These all made us wait with adopting long-awaited dog. We spent 2 years in the UK and moved to Amsterdam, Netherlands (what a difference does it make for the dog owner!) and didn’t wait to long before adopting our first dog. In one of the next posts we will write about dog-friendlines in here, but for now let us share the first picture we took of our Bosfor:


Heart breaking, isn’t it? But this is jsut to show everyone that shelters are full of amazing, incredible dogs, waiting for adoption! Bosfor has been with us 5 years now and although we know nothing about his past and are not even sure how old he might be, he is an incredible companion, so loving, caring and greatful.

And this is him now:


Quite a difference, right?

Remember, if you consider having a dog, there are many wonderful ones waiting for you in the shelters around the globe!



