Bad experience

So we went for a short break, leaving our dogs behind with someone who claims to be the ‘professional dog walker and sitter’. In the previous post I wrote what to do when leaving a dog with the stranger. I wish I followed up my advice more, however circumstances made it pretty impossible. And yes, we met once before, we had a long chat and an hour walk in the park, we exchanged many emails where I asked a lot of questions. He made an impression of the responsible person. I am not saying he wasn’t however, not everyone who believes is another embodiment of Cesar Millan, is a good choice.

Good lesson for the future.

What else we have learned? Make it clear, what your expectations are. Make it clear, what your dogs like, dislike and how to handle them. No, it’s not that we just dropped them and left. It was discussed in advance, we prepared so-called ‘manual’ where wrote everything once again to make sure it is clear. Well, apparently you can’t be sure the person would remember what you said, but what’s even worse, you can’t be sure he would even read this manual. Couple of hours later after leaving them with the guy, I got a phone call, with all of the questions we discussed (or at least in my opinion we did) and which were clearly explained in the manual. That rang the bell but it was a bit too late. When I explained everything all over again (although standing in the queue to the security check at the airport, with your passport in one hand, luggage in the other and phone ‘glued’ to your ear is not the most convenient place to do it) and mention ‘it is also written in the manual I left with you’ I heard: ‘oh I have to find it’….. What? It was stacked to the box with the food, omg ….

Things went from bad to worse when next day I received the text message than dogs are sick… and few others that he’s taking them to the vet. I called immediately and it turned out not both of dogs just one, but he was confusing the names of them constantly so gave the impression like both of them are sick. And he was already at the vet clinic.  Well good, but still, I would prefer to be consulted in front. Bosfor had stomach issues, had a diarrhea and puked once. Ok, that happens. But the attitude of this guy was really hard to stand. I had to listen it is the entire fault of the food I am giving them (whaaat???) and being blamed that his wife can’t sleep as he had to let Bosfor 3 times at night (well, let him out meaning opening the doors to the garden)…. I wonder what would he say if Bosfor wouldn’t be kind enough to let him know that he has to go out, just did his business inside …. Anyways, skipping all the ridiculousness we have experienced during these few days and lack of proper contact ‘cos he doesn’t have enough credit on the phone to send a text message and didn’t have a chance to sit to the computer yet to send an email’ we ended up more stressed out and concerned during the ‘break’ than relaxed. In the end we ended up with the huge bill from the vet but couldn’t be happier when picked up our boys. And of course, this guy wasn’t doing this for free, we paid him also good money, but apparently, he must have forgotten while was complaining constantly…